Thursday, May 31, 2007

haiyo.... sianzZzzz....

1:36 PM
watching sunsets together.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I really hope what i'm thinking or interpreting is not true or I can only say-- I FEEL CHEATED!!! and I feel damn DENSE!!!

I seriously hope that I do not have to be back to the 'me' last time who decides to leave a distance between everyone near me and the real 'me' ... to NOT trust anyone, anymore... but seems like everything has proven me WRONG and its true that I should trust no one except for I, me and MYSELF!

i'm feeling sick all over... physically, psychologically, mentally... ... sigh... ...

11:59 AM
watching sunsets together.

Monday, May 28, 2007

It takes two people to make a lie work. The person who tells it and the one that believes in it.

Time waits for no one, so cherish your loved ones today, don't wait until it is too late...

My Life today:
i fell sick... i guess... sianz... tmr's gp paper and i'm veri veri nervous.... all my fwendz were... sigh sigh sigh.... hopefully, i'll pass... ...

and there's a learning journey too... duno if i shld go... since i'm nt feelin well... nwae, worse cum to worse, i'll juz go for e movie...

12:42 PM
watching sunsets together.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

sad.... bcos our dear soccer guys lost to RJC... sigh.... 1-0.... matthew cried really bitterly.... sigh... so sad.... =(

aft tt, went to mj choir concert... La Risonanza IV.... started punctually at 8:15pm and ended at 10:15pm... i'm really tired... exhausted frm all e cheering... so i almos fell asleep... but... of cos, i hv e courtesy to make sure i'm tryin my veri bez to listen n watch becos they've done a really GOOD JOB!!!! esp. e last part's mini musical!!! their guests choir frm Anglican High n Tanjong Katong Sec are veri pro too...

nwae.... passed louis his hw aft tt.... sound really... weird right?? aft their concert.... i'm still guilty here... even 4get to buy them flowers... sigh...


went back hme wif sze ying.... i'm pro lor... i was leaning on e glass panel of e mrt... grippin onto it, i fell asleep!! haha... while standing!! can u imagine hw tired am I???!!! LOL!!!!

e whole train journey was juz more wake-ups n sleep-back-ins.... sitting or standin... haha...

reached hme at abt 11:30pm...

woke up at ard 7:30am cos my pw had an appointment wif ms loh concerning our gpp n stuff...
its a realli fast one... and we ended e mitin at ard 10am.... decided to go tm's mj[for heaven sake, it stands for music junction not meridan junior(college).. lol...] to buy S.H.E's PLAY album... had been wantin to buy but i juz can't fork out time n $ yet... so todae is e day la... :) lyk finally! dere's a holiday today... and i really need rest badly.... :)

nwaes, i really love all my fwendz... i'm nt myself anymore w/o any1 of dem! i treasure every friendships dearly like my life... so i really hope some ppl out there can stop dose untrue rumors lar... bcos dey're bothering mi each day....

3:45 AM
watching sunsets together.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Last Friday:
a good day!! MJ soccer guys won during penalty kicks and got into e finals which is against vj(like last last yr), their strongest rival!! hopefully they'll win vj!!!!

btw, Nat Tan is cute!!! so cute... aft he's dyed his hair this(below) colour!! Jeremy and Jeff have great vocals!!

no wonder many gurlz went so crazy on friday the 18th of May 2007... frm 7:00pm to abt 10:00pm... even when they went into the Gents, the gurlz push a guy fwend of theirs inside to let e gurlz see... haiz... hilarious indeed...

btw, i'm so so happy!!! cos we're frm CCS, we get to take pix wif dem!!! yea!! cos we are allowed to enter their holding room... hehe... but they muz b really tired cos we CCS took about 20+ pic i think with them.... their laughter is lil stagnant but they managed to hold on to their professional state...
pix sharing below... hope they satisfy all of u!! enjoy! ;)
^yea!!! Nat and Me!! :P
^Me and Jeremy Kwan!! nt e 1st time i see him... cos saw him at TPJC as a performer as well...
^ The Three Guests Superstar singing 掌心
^The Three Guests Superstar singing 掌心[OS: Lend me ur hand, MJCians!!]
^ CCS group contestant, The Coffeehouse!!! The WINNER!!! there's e last pose!!!

^Our Seniors!! [stRictLy gurLz??]
^Our Seniors and Jeremy!!

^Nat and Us!!! Nat VV cute here!!! ;P
^ Jeremy and Us!!!

^ TwO SupErstaRs and Us!!!

7:25 PM
watching sunsets together.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

i dun mean to hurt anyone but it juz happened anyway... sigh...

i'll rather get myself hurt!

9:20 AM
watching sunsets together.

Friday, May 11, 2007

why is it made that obvious?


Your Birthdate: September 9
You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count.You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing.Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time.You're open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything.
Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility
Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic
Your power color: Pine green
Your power symbol: Circle
Your power month: September
What'>">What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

9:02 AM
watching sunsets together.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted."What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Your Birth Month is September

Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years.
You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian.

Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love

Your gemstone: Sapphire

Your flower: Morning Glory

Your colors: Brown and deep blue
What Does Your Birth Month Mean?

You Are Very Happy

Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day.
And you don't need a quiz to tell you that!
You know how to find pleasure in the little things...
And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective.
How Happy Are You, Really?

6:10 AM
watching sunsets together.

What a Stressful Life at MJ!!!

slept for nearing 12hrs last night till tis morning!! wow... i was so so tired when i reached hme last night so i slept straight away ard 9pm till tis morning 8+am.... think is because i slept almost every night for less than 5hrs... sigh sigh... thursday night i slept at 1:20am den woke up at 4am to study for my elasticity test...

ytd actually can reach hme at abt 3 but i decided nt to... cos sianz.... so i went out awhile wif li hin to tm tt area... saw ying hua and sze ying near tampines mrt control station... they were waiting for the time to go back mj watch e soccer match between MJ and TPJ too!!! iwas yearning to go but no1 to accompany so luckily dey're gg!! li hin went hme 1st so there e 3 of us go... the score was 3-NIL!! MJ won!!! tpj had lotsa supporters too!! cos its near la... saw shai, shirley, diyana n keith... so happy!! e 1st two goals were lyk abt 5 mins interval oni! tts fast lar... dunno wth e tpj goalkeeper doing... saw my ex. tpj gp tchr, Mr Ng S.C.... but nearing the end, mj scored another goal! its a really nice goal!! so proud of matthew and zhi jun dey all!! :)

btw, some picture to show... these pictures are taken on 26th April 2007... my darlings n I were waiting for coloseum trial to start at ard 5pm... but since we were alreadi dismissed at 2:35pm, we decided to eat desserts at West Plaza(sum place with shops near MJC), Kopitiam.... so each of us ordered one and we shared... heh hehz.... i believe these pix will make u DROOL!!!! :P

the last two pix were taken on last thur 3/5/2007.... Matthew's Bdae!!! so e ping jie, lao li, jasmine and me went to West PLaza during common lunch to buy him a cake! very thoughtful right?? haha... rui bei was sick so didn't cum to sku... tts a pity... janice went off early also... so tts it... nt really counted a “全班福”(amended frm 全家福). but nt bad alreadi... ping jie and i was sweating really tremendously when back frm west plaza for compass... so i look tt ugly. sigh... ^4 desserts!!! 2 mountains and two plateau!! haha! ^ping jie, me, bei bei and lao li

^"desert" 1--mango and sago on 26th april

^"desert" 2--mango sunrise on 26th april- nicest of all!2nd nicest!!
^ "desert" 3-- strawberry kisses on 26th april

^"desert" 4-longan & almond not tofu! on 26th april
^bei bei wif 4 desserts. mmm.... YUM YUM!!
^lao li wif 4 desserts. what's up wif tt smile?? lol!
^me wif 4 desserts! :P
^ the cg almost 全班福!! haha... e cake is veri tasty!!! hehex....

3:11 AM
watching sunsets together.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

i think it'll b a bad news for syf.... sigh sigh sigh.... :(

^ S.H.E newest 10th album -PLAY , 1st broadcasted song-- 中国话

^ S.H.E newest 10th album-PLAY, 2nd broadcasted song--五月天 (tis song is damn nice lor =] haha. )

11:52 AM
watching sunsets together.

╔aBou+ mEe╝

[[*Namee: JiAweN*]]
[[*Genderr: GurL*]]
[[* Agee: 21*]]


[[*Ha+e: ginGer,sCaLLioN,FiRe-Ly.hoT.weaTheRs,shallow-ers,backstabbers,selfish.ppL,

♥WiShiNg Wё└∟♥

[[*.a.HouSe.wif.danCE.stuDio.&.worKouT.faciLitieS.*]] [[*.EaR.PieRciNgs.*]]


MusicPlaylistView Profile
Create a playlist at

[[*Mr JaE*]]

{`beZ fwEndz alwaYz`}
[[*Li Hin*]]
[[*Shye FeRn*]]

{`StaRs and DJs`}
[[*iriS 艾莉丝*]]
[[*LinDa 廖佩伶*]]
[[*ELva 萧亚轩*]]
[[*F.I.R 飞儿乐团*]]

[[*MayDaY 五月天*]]
[[*MikeHo 贺军翔*]]
[[*RaiNie YaNg 杨丞琳*]]
[[*sHow LUo 罗志祥*]]
[[*JoLin TsAi 蔡依林*]]

[[*YvoNneLiN 林湘萍*]]
[[*JoaNnE PeH 白薇秀*]]
[[*FannWonG 范文芳*]]
[[*ShaRon Aw 欧菁仙*]]

[[*933 Mary 巫许玛莉*]]
[[*Li Yi 陈丽仪*]]
[[*933DJ Peifen 林佩芬*]]
[[*933DJ(pt) Junli*]]
[[*933DJ cHoNgQinG 周崇庆*]]
[[*933DJ JiA hUi 萧嘉惠*]]
[[*933DJ Cruz 丁志勇*]]
[[*933DJ(pt) Kitty*]]
[[*98.7DJ Jamie Yeo*]]

[[*aik kUn*]]

[[*ChEn ChUaN*]]


[[*euGene CCS*]]


[[*GraCe e3*]]
[[*Gek hUi*]]

[[*HuI mIn*]]
[[*HweE InG*]]
[[*Hwee Jun*]]

[[*JasMine e3*]]
[[*JaSmiNe 411*]]
[[*JaSon CCS*]]
[[*Jia Yi*]]
[[*Jing Xin*]]

[[*Li PinG*]]

[[*MiNg Yue*]]

[[*Ngin Ying(Cindy)*]]
[[*Ning En*]]

[[*Pei Shan*]]
[[*Poh Li*]]

[[*ReBeCca 411*]]

[[*Shi En*]]
[[*Shi Min*]]
[[*Shi Ning*]]
[[*SiEw Li*]]
[[*Si Jia*]]
[[*Sze YiNg GeNiE*]]


[[*Vivien CCS*]]

[[*Wan LinG*]]
[[*WeE LoOn*]]

[[*Xin Ling*]]
[[*Xuan Hui*]]

[[*Yan LinG*]]
[[*Yee Chuan*]]
[[*Yee Han*]]
[[*Yi NinG*]]
[[*Yi Qin*]]

[[*Zhi LiaNg*]]
[[*Zi Qi*]]

[[*MJC LeiSurE & LeaRniNg Por+aL*]]
[[*MJC IVLE*]]
[[*07s17 TPJC PAE*]]
[[*JYSS 3e3'05/4e3'06*]]

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Designer | rebelyon-anghel
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MusiC pLaYLis+ |Imeem
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