Tuesday, November 27, 2007

wow... i feel satisfied... cos i updated and verified 109 people's datas today at work!!!! yea!!! from about 10am-6pm... with briefings, breaks and lunch in between... tt's an achievement for mi nia... ^_^

but i'm so tired now... zZZZZzzzz...

7:57 PM
watching sunsets together.

Monday, November 26, 2007

untitled again...

work was BOrInG!!! hope tmr will be better... =)

nwae, heard news juz now that 5 NJC dragonboat boys and a teacher died while dragon-boating at Cambodia... ... arww... sad news... '_',

hope their family and friends can think positively and continue living their lives well... dun disappoint the boys and teacher!

10:08 PM
watching sunsets together.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

drama camp rOXxx!!!


Michelle aka GL: 除了感谢,还是一句感谢。腾于在戏剧营的第一天时,的确没有选错人当组长!你常为我们的福利着想,主动把大家聚起来,譬如把大家都召集在一个地方一起吃午餐。然后,时时刻刻催促我们要跟上进度,例如要赶快排戏,背剧本,还有无限的“组衣”,也是你问我们的意见后,才形成的‘杰作’!你也经常鼓励队友们,要把该做的事情做好后才做较不要紧的。没有你... 我不能想象“无限”这个组名是否会诞生,“无限”会像今天如此的团结,争取第一吗?你的功劳是无限的!谢谢!!!

Yong Sheng aka 阿公:自HIGH 王!哈哈!你可算是无限的王牌了!即兴反应几乎100分,演技也是响当当的一流呢!还是很谢谢你不厌其烦,每次都愿意上台。谢啦!你的舞蹈就...嘻嘻... 不错啦... 老天爷是公平的。它让你有戏剧的天分,就不会也赐给你跳舞的本领了!继续加油吧!可能靠后天的努力,以后我们会看到你演舞台剧也说不定呀!

Hwee Jun: 第一天的戏剧营,就是你第一个跟我说话了!好高兴能认识你。因为你给我的感觉,一直是个开朗的女孩。有时候,还觉得你有点极度开朗!哈哈哈... 真像以前的我... 一样那么爱笑... 就是... 笑点很低就对了!你就像我的妹妹一样。好爱你这个妹妹啊。常常都逗我们开心。你也是个非常不顾面子的妹妹,很有潜力做即兴的表演。所以要加油噢!不要忘了,你可以随时找我!会很想念你的!

Grace: Always feel that you are a very "cool" person, cos you hardly speak to anyone! But after sometimes, when u speak to us! I like you! You are a really nice friend to be with and a good dancer! 无限's dance choreographer! You gave actors and actresses vital advices to improve on our acting skills. Thanks!

Cao Liang aka Cao Ge aka Cao Cao aka Guo Liang: WOW!!! 你看无限多么厉害!帮你取了这么多好听又有创意的名字!要珍惜哦!演习是要自然的,你似乎太过紧张了。放松!!!:))

Yen Siu: 我觉得你唱歌很不错呢!也认为你的眼睛好大好漂亮,应该迷死不少男生了吧?呵呵... 中三与中四的学业不容易,因为它是通往另一个重要的考试--O'level. 所以一定要加油!

Wen Tao: 你是个爱耍宝的人,也是我们的开心果!常常用让人“惊叹”的形容词来形容周遭的事物以及人。Yingxue (ah ma) 就是你最爱“题词”的对象之一了!有时候要收敛些,要不然可能会惹ah ma 生气,追着你拿羽毛球拍打你喔!嘻嘻...

Long Jian: 我们亲爱的编剧!你真得蛮厉害的!写剧本时,还会考虑到不少细节,挺细心的嘛!要继续往这方面创作喔!无限会帮你打气的!=P

Yingxue: 谢谢你!不知道为什,我认为你的思想挺成熟。给的意见对我来说都是有建设性的“金玉良言”! 不愧是ah ma,姜还是‘老’的辣,宝刀未‘老’呀!呵呵... 开玩笑的... 以上纯属赞美,没有贬义! 

Mei Yan: 你的思想有时还蛮独特的!也有时逗趣。哈哈... 考完了PSLE就先休息一下,当做是"re-charge your battery"! 加油!!! 准备接受下一个挑战,那就是适应中学的生活!虽然不简单,但你没问题的!=]

Mei Hui: 你也是一位笑笑的女生!无时无刻你好像都有笑容吧!让人看了也非常容易被你感染,不知不觉中也跟着笑了起来。Laughing really IS contagious! =) 继续保持笑容,继续感染你身边所有的人,把阳光带到每个角落 , ok? ;)

Wen Yuan: 对你的第一影响是:这个女生还蛮“酷”的,不怎么爱说话。后来才发现你只是很认真、很专注地在表演罢了。私下的你也还是会大笑,会和大家疯狂,打闹。哭戏演得好好!无限以你为傲!

Jia Le:很开朗、乐观、单纯、积极的女生。似乎天塌下来也没感觉的样子!Jia Le你就像名字一样,让大家都快乐的人!谢谢你让我感到这六天是无比的快乐!=]

Jing Wen:第一天就认为你的名字蛮好记的。有时人如其名吗?你不怎么爱说话。有时候主动跟你聊一聊,你才会说几句。不过,和你聊天很自在。谢谢。

Hui Wah:你们俩人每次在一起的,很少会主动跟大家聊聊些有的没的。团体讨论时,你们也好静哦。不过,看过你们的即兴出,觉得你们至少表演时会放的开一点点。不过怎么样,很高兴认识其他初院的学生,也高兴我们有交集。=)

不好意思...我不怎么会说话... 不过,以上的确都是发自内心的肺腑之言。;) 会想念死你们!大家多多继续保持联络, ok? 
takkaire worx!!!

9:22 PM
watching sunsets together.

OGL camp day 3 and... more 无限!!!

went for OGL (fyi tt stands for orientation group leader) camp day 3. heard lotsa unpleasant feedback... dotz... some even told me that I was lucky not coming on days 1 and 2. sigh... anyway... W&W was fun! dirtied with water, flour, toothpaste and tomato sauce! LOL!

had scratches at some parts of my elbows... knees... but they're minor enough. Group 1 rox! Group 1's cheers was cool and very creative! love them! =)

after the camp at abt 1pm, ping, cherlian, bei bei, zinc, louis and I went to WWW to bathe. and we ate at KFC... den we chatted about OGL camp... OGL camp stories are funny... very... haha

then we decided to go home sleep at ard 3pm.


oh ya! wanna thanked louis for the keychain from australia! it's shooo cool!!! :-0

below... pix sharing time... only managed to get two from 无限's blog.

^ Yong Sheng (ah gong) from pjc and Yen Siu (14 yrs old) acting out one of the theatre sports- Musical-> to sing out their lines while acting. COOL! We've got full 5 marks! Ah gong can response really quickly and in a funny way that the audience wishes to see. Yen Siu has sweet and nice voice! Love them! An Outstanding musical!

^无限!!! Cao Liang (lying on the ground), Michelle (our GL, above Cao Liang), Grace (from left), Wen Tao, Long Jian, Hwee Jun (on the right of GL), Wen Yuan, Mei Hui, Yen Siu, Mei Yan, Jia Le, Yong Sheng (last row), 李勇昌老师, Teng Yu (our 助教), me and Yingxue.

This song below is the theme song of our drama --期待. It made many of us cry again and again. Almost never fail. It's just too sad a song... too emo le... i missed such a touching and nice song. sigh... enjoy! '_',



我期待 有一天我会回来

回到我最初的爱 回到童贞的神采

我期待 有一天我会明白

明白人世的至爱 明白原始的情怀

我情愿分合的无奈 能换来春夜的天籁

我情愿现在与未来 能充满秋凉的爽快

Say Goodbye

Say Goodbye

前前后后 迂迂回回地试探

Say Goodbye

Say Goodbye

昂首阔步 不留一丝遗憾

4:53 PM
watching sunsets together.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


My six day camp hd its downs and ups cos ogl matters came into the pic as well when i was camping from 9am-6pm this whole week except sunday.

戏剧营是新加坡艺术学会的明利与他的team 举办的。今年已是第13界了。

First day, I didn't know anyone in my group. The four of us from MJC- Siew Li, Jason, me, Jing Wei were seprated into groups one to four respectively. Sigh... cos meeting and getting to know people is a pretty tiring "procedure" and job to be carried out. I just feel taxing doing it. so sigh... gorup 3 people seem pretty nice. we were introduced to 7 teachers and Ming Li. Actually, many people knew him or at least saw him before, cos of syf this year.

We then met our 助教, Teng Yu from zhong zheng, 16 this year. My first impression was that he's very slack. And indeed, during ice breaking, he chose a leader-Wan Ting aka Michelle as our leader and to give ourselves a name. Until reaching lunch time, we decided on Unlimited (无限). We sat together to have our lunch anyway, even if we had nothing much to talk about. Chicken rice... After lunch, separation to activity room of Radin Mas CC to carry out drama lesson and theatre sports. Our teacher is Ryon, Li Yong Chang. He's from M'lsia. ANother Liu lao shi was form M'lsia, KL as well. So they had a bit of M'lsia accent while speaking.

5pm... We went back down to the hall to play games between groups to earn points. We were 1st...

2nd day... everything is almost the same rountine. we had to do warm-up by dancing the theme song of the camp. it's really cheena and very China... the steps and the lyrics are China... maybe cos our dance teacher is 古新华老师. Heard that he got 1st for latin dance in his at China. then that day, we learnt about script writing.... 刘锦康老师taught us... it is very useful i thought. during lunch, 古老师 taught people who are interested, latin... i watched... juzt some shaking of butt moves are not easy moves. groups compete we played chair game at the end till 6pm... we lost... and we were last cos we couldn't get enough chairs to get the whole group up. But we did not give up.. I guess tt's more than enough... team spirit exceeds the disappointment of losing. we knew each other better.

3rd day... everything went on as usual too... more dance moves... then today's lesson, our Li lao shi taught everyone expressions of actors and actresses so that we can touch people or influence the audience. it's useful... blah blah blah... another day finally ended!!

thursday... 4th day! somehow yea!! cos it's ending... everything went on as per normal. today's lesson is by 冯世全老师with the aid of Grace 老师or 郑凤玲老师. Both of them were from Hong Kong's hao xi ban... quite unclear but we can still understand. he taught us a lesson about what the director of a play shloud be playing as so as to let the ply go on efficiently and effectively. for 分组上课, group 2 and 3 merged... and we played game... then our teachers decided to have a more of 内心的感受de lesson. so they played music.... blah blah blah... damn emo lor... many people cried... i cried too... haix... really badly... cos liu lao shi said ya... er... they teachers... drama teachers, really appreciated grp 3's spirit... cos lunch was an hr... so we decided to eat really fast and cos teng yu got prom, so he couldn't come... so... our dear GL (group leader-Wan Ting) initiated to take the key form ming li and hurried us up to start rehearsing our 小品for saturday's performance and our cheer. Sad... liu lao shi said too many touching stuff... he cried too... and accompanying the damn emo music... worse!!! haix... our group girls.. emo emo emo.... but i love them... ya! =))

friday... blah blah... same stuffs.... we had rehearsals for saturday... we were pretty confident! the storyline is damn emo. Li lao shi say we are the only group cos other groups are more like 闹剧. so wu xian's drama may be very outstanding. I love 无限!!!

today!!! is the day!!! venue was shifted to 新加坡艺术剧场学会at Tanjong Pagar,. it was once an old school. now, it's TAPAC (Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre) I acted as a mother. I brought my costumes, some make-ups and my script... heavy... but i guess i really look like one...so it's worthwhile bringing them. Whenever it comes to the last day of some things, I got emo and may cry... but even treasure them... may find out 无限的好. 无限真棒!!! Today's time pass really fast... we had dance from 9am to 10am... rehearsals from 10am-12pm... lunch from 12pm-2pm. we had more rehearsals when we've finished eating and all actors and actresses 培养-哭-的情绪, 因为大家都被要求要在结尾时-哭. 压力好大!因为真的不容易啊!

Performances' list:

Friend's Story:

Wen Yuan, Mei Hui, Yen Siu and Hwee Jun as good friends but a small and trival misunderstanding separated them. Heaven and earth. One died. The other live with regret.

Grandpa (Ah Gong) 's story:

Yong Sheng as Ah Gong who get to see his ever dopted grandchildren (by GL and Cao Liang). But, as his grandchildren grew older, they find excuses not to go his house to visit him anymore... excuses such as playing badminton and project work. The mother (acted by me) bo bian. Then Ah Gong finally broke down as he had stroke and became wheel-chair bounded and cannot recognize his grandchildren anymore! Another sigh... Regretful story...

The actual thing... everyone acted smoothly! Hurray! Wen Yuan cried. Hwee Jun cried too. Mei Yan cried even harder... then Yen Siu started to cry. GL cried on stage. Seeing soooo many of the gurls cired, i cried... '_',

So... unexpectedly, we, 无限, got 3 recognition out of 4!!! WOW! that's really WOW!! We've got “最佳/最受欢迎小品”,“最佳组” and “最团结的组”Ah gong gt one of the 5 best actors and wen yuan as one of the 5 best actresses. cool ba... wu xian!!!

for theatre sports... we WON too!! yippee!!! 8/10 highest!!! =)) yong sheng is really our thriupmh card! so pro... we sent out wen yuan, yong sheng and hwee jun for 胡言乱语 and yen siu and yong sheng for 歌剧!! marks respectively were 3/5 and 5/5!!! muahaha... love the judges!!

after tt, we ate with li lao shi... GL represent us gif him the three certs we've won!!! I'm so so so happy for Wu xian today!! I'm proud of wu xian!!! VERY!!

Guo An and Mr Gan came to support us too!

Siew Li and Jason are one of the best actor and best actress as well! cool!! Congrats!!

Wu xian ppl had a tee... so we get ppl's signatures... anyone!

den wu spoke to teng yu... li lao shi... ming li... blah blah... we sign and sign... write and write.... hug an hug... den we played with plastic balls... captains ball... then we went home at ard 8.00pm... yawnx... tired!

tmr... ogl wnw! 7.30am.. beta slp now...

pix will oni cum to mi later... so... till den.. ciao!


10:51 PM
watching sunsets together.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


today is not friday the 13th but wednesday the 14th... but i am very very very unlucky! sigh sigh sigh...

i'm so tired cos i wasn't feeling well since ytd... burning throat!! coughing... and "sexy" voice these days. the horoscope prediction on i-weekly is so so so true.... everything realised... cos it says monday i'll have sore throat... so on and so fore... about getting sick... sianz...

this morning... there's OGL meeting in sku. it went rather speedy. yea... so it ended at around 10am... den dere's mmm meeting... blah blah blah... everything ended at aroung 10:40am...

ping, yue, bei and louis they all were toking abt job interviews... den out of no where... ping, bei and I have interviews at 3pm and after that... at king centre (somewhere near city hall) and toa payoh HDB hub respectively.

so e three of us played "taidee" at Kopitiam (White Sands) till about 1pm... n had lunch den we set off...

blah blah blah.... everything finished at ard 6:30pm... n i boarded bus 8 back to tampines... missed my stop n walked back.... sigh... so in the end... i reached home at ard 8pm... couldn't use the comp. to send my new mmm buddy proposals and aso due to my tiredness, sian-ness and sickness, i got very angry with my mum for still nagging (i noe i shouldn't... i'm remorsed...), especially my brother for insisting to continue using the comp when i have a much more important business to settle! &#$%^*&^%&%$%&$#%&*^&*~`

and furthermore, i just found out that so many things are clashing next week!!! wth!!! i most probably have to miss 1st day of OGL camp now! wtf...

i'm sorry for having so many vulgarities in this entry... but i'm really pissed now. i'm having my dinner only now! tmr, i may have to call e zac person to seek his forgivness... and blah blah.... tmr's e recce! i'm preparing the logistics now as well! huh.... i'm dying!

wad can i say, it's all my fault... i did not think properly... i'm not meticulous enough!
what a foul day!
I want a better tmr!!!

9:52 PM
watching sunsets together.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

《脚踏车与黑皮鞋》(The bike and the black leather shoe). 这个故事究竟想说什么呢?我不懂。

Two songs to recommend:


S.H.E –你最近还好吗





天有点冷 风有点大 城市宁靜而喧哗











你最近还好吗忙碌吗 累吗 心还会痛吗




有再多的牵挂都已沒有权利表达 (沒有权利表达)

旧情人给的问候比陌生人还尴尬 (都还尴尬)


昨天远了 明天还长 回忆模糊但巨大











你最近还好吗忙碌吗 累吗 心还会痛吗



2) 苦茶

微微笑的看你 越是认真就越让人心疼


沒什么能做 但我比谁都真诚

泡一杯苦茶 陪伴你到夜深



怎样做才会完美 像个男人





你不必问 你也不必等

这一刻 就值得爱到永恒



想照顾你 想守护着你

这一刻 只想把你抱紧



怎样做才会完美 像个男人



虽然永远 太不可能少了你的完整





你不必问 你也不必等

这一刻 就值得爱到永恒



想照顾你 想守护着你

这一刻 只想把你抱紧

这一刻… 只想把你… 抱紧

9:54 AM
watching sunsets together.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A leapord never changes its spots

"A leapord never changes its spots" or in chinese: “江山易改,本性难移”

One's character(s) cannot be changed or improvised that easily. What we can do to make ourselves feel better... will be to...

take it easy!


what a lousy translation i've done! lol

9:29 AM
watching sunsets together.

Friday, November 09, 2007

411 outing

i'm really surprised tt michelle will cum for e outing when I first heard it from jun jin. nwae, although the number wasn't ideal, it's a nice one. hui ping, michelle, rui bei, rebecca, ming yue, jasmine, harold, louis, fang li and I went. I miss fang li a lot!! so so nice to see her... oh no... ahem... shld b celine, not fang li...

she called herself tt while she's now working as a waitress at some japanese restaurant... at clarke quay. another branch is at marina square. she's asking for a transfer to MS cos nearer.

wah seh... her restaurant very scary eh... one of recent days when she's only late for a minute, her pay was deducted by 100 bucks lehx! gosh! she showed me her uniform... a black dress. it's very neat looking... she'll look good in it. anyways, she shared some of her experiences there.

She met Dawn (mediacorp artise- 姚懿珊) and a director who are discussing about scripts. Celine said Dawn was very polite.

The group went to Seoul Garden, Bugis, to have lunch.... we ate from 2pm to 5pm... lolx.... we played 终极密码 and laughed really loudly at the punishments. They're gross! We were even asked to lower down our volume! hehex... then harold came sometime in between w/o paying... the waitresses and waiters didn't even noticed that. One waitress even volunteered to bring him a chair! Hilarious... then jasmine went off, back to MJ with Wei shi for band practices at 4.10pm...

After we finally left Seoul Garden, Michelle said she had another date, so we said bye and she went off... The rest of us went Bugis street to acc ping ang yue buy shoes and tee... but ping didn't find anything she liked... yue bought two tee... ping bought a red tie necklace... haha.. it's so cute.

li li says she wana see Show Luo at 7.30pm... so the rest of us walked to suntec and city link mall to waste some time... Show's fans are a lot.... cos the queue was long! wow... we only stayed till about 9pm and all of us headed home!

reached home at 9.35pm... TV.... and now blogging... =)

This morning, i've decided not to go M'lsia with my parents tmr... cos i don't even noe who's going to get married tmr nite! lolx... so 4get it ba... decided to watch a serial online instead for the weekend! ;)

10:09 PM
watching sunsets together.


Stardust is ichiban!!! I guess watching with the correct person, correct place, at the correct time and of course choosing the correct movie are factors of making the movie nice and better. i deeply believe in it. A large audience and your friends beside you, laughing with you, discussing the story with you in whispers... haha... it is just so much better and enjoying! I love jun, lam and li hin! =D my best pals ever!

I had so much fun ytd... we went to bugis to check the timing of stardust...but unfortunately, they don't have it. li hin wanted to buy jeans... so we accompanied her into the ver busiest bugis street... luckily to she decided to buy in the end. lolx... then we decided to try out our luck at the nearest suntec... we got the 3rd row from the screen! but it's okay... not too front.

Tristan(by Charlie Cox) seems quite silly in the movie. Victoria (by Sienna Miller) is a b***h. but her acting skills are really there. Humphrey... hmm... warrior or something. loves Victoria and hoping to get her a ring from so place faraway. Tristan knew and said he'll bring her a star just for her. Silly Tristan. haix. So he crossed the village wall to a fantastical realm called Stormhold, where the adventure begin. He met the star, actually is a spirited young woman, Yvaine (by Claire Danes). At Stormhold, many characters are on the chase for Yvaine. There's the witch (by Michelle Preiffer) and the Prince. The movie includes many relationship- kinship, love and friendship. A few hilarious characters are the shepherd boy-Bernard and Captain Shakespere. lox. i'll give this movie four out of five stars!

For more information, check this out:

After the movie, we went to Gelare. Their ice-cream is nice. Then we proceed home and on the way, we had some lame jokes to entertain each other. LOLx.

reached home at 9:15pm. watched TV... cleaned up, washed up.... and slept! =)

going out later... 411! =) hope it's another fun trip.

9:15 AM
watching sunsets together.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

i've nth much to blog abt...

mmm... i'm gg out later... i miss my sec girls! and yea i'm meeting them later on for a movie-Stardust.

i'm gg out tmr as well... 411 outing... bdae celebration!! =) hopefully many ppl are gg...

toking about past days... hmm... i am quite glad that pw had come to an end... what a relief.

went to my hideout ytd... again... i am loving it...

10:26 AM
watching sunsets together.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Chinese and OP

yea!!!! Chinese and OP
wohooo!! Although I guess I've presented very fast, I'm still really relief it's ALL over. =))
I love all my members!!!! Bindhya, Jun Jin and Hong Sheng!!!! of cos... the "love" is classmate love la! hahax ^_^

went out with jess aft OP!!! we went to Bedok! We decided to watch The Game Plan at Princess! to save money... kekeke.... The male lead is "THE ROCK" from WWE. I believe wrestling fans should be pretty familiar with this guy. The Game Plan is a little similar to Pursuit of Happyness. Both movies are about a dad-and-child-relationship and how they live together and became even closer at the end of the whole movie. It is undeniable that they are quite boring throughout with a little humour here and there, but they are pretty heart-warming and can tell viewers how important it is to have a family... to have family member(s) that you care for and they care for you too... =)

nwae, I've finished watching 黑糖玛奇朵 ( Brown Sugar Macchiato)!!! It's a serial drama that surprisingly did not disappoint me! lolx. and I love it! It's cute la... and brightens up each and everyone of my days while I'm watching it. =] The drama consists of all the four flavours that we can think of, usually, namely-酸、甜、苦、辣. People in distress and those who have relatively low level of humour (hehe), I strongly recommend this show orx! ;-)

My last playlist, tracks 2, 3, 13 and 14 are four of the OSTs of 黑糖玛奇朵. Enjoy!

muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha............................. [oh my gosh! I can't stop laughing now! lol!]

4:13 PM
watching sunsets together.

╔aBou+ mEe╝

[[*Namee: JiAweN*]]
[[*Genderr: GurL*]]
[[* Agee: 21*]]


[[*Ha+e: ginGer,sCaLLioN,FiRe-Ly.hoT.weaTheRs,shallow-ers,backstabbers,selfish.ppL,

♥WiShiNg Wё└∟♥

[[*.a.HouSe.wif.danCE.stuDio.&.worKouT.faciLitieS.*]] [[*.EaR.PieRciNgs.*]]


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[[*Mr JaE*]]

{`beZ fwEndz alwaYz`}
[[*Li Hin*]]
[[*Shye FeRn*]]

{`StaRs and DJs`}
[[*iriS 艾莉丝*]]
[[*LinDa 廖佩伶*]]
[[*ELva 萧亚轩*]]
[[*F.I.R 飞儿乐团*]]

[[*MayDaY 五月天*]]
[[*MikeHo 贺军翔*]]
[[*RaiNie YaNg 杨丞琳*]]
[[*sHow LUo 罗志祥*]]
[[*JoLin TsAi 蔡依林*]]

[[*YvoNneLiN 林湘萍*]]
[[*JoaNnE PeH 白薇秀*]]
[[*FannWonG 范文芳*]]
[[*ShaRon Aw 欧菁仙*]]

[[*933 Mary 巫许玛莉*]]
[[*Li Yi 陈丽仪*]]
[[*933DJ Peifen 林佩芬*]]
[[*933DJ(pt) Junli*]]
[[*933DJ cHoNgQinG 周崇庆*]]
[[*933DJ JiA hUi 萧嘉惠*]]
[[*933DJ Cruz 丁志勇*]]
[[*933DJ(pt) Kitty*]]
[[*98.7DJ Jamie Yeo*]]

[[*aik kUn*]]

[[*ChEn ChUaN*]]


[[*euGene CCS*]]


[[*GraCe e3*]]
[[*Gek hUi*]]

[[*HuI mIn*]]
[[*HweE InG*]]
[[*Hwee Jun*]]

[[*JasMine e3*]]
[[*JaSmiNe 411*]]
[[*JaSon CCS*]]
[[*Jia Yi*]]
[[*Jing Xin*]]

[[*Li PinG*]]

[[*MiNg Yue*]]

[[*Ngin Ying(Cindy)*]]
[[*Ning En*]]

[[*Pei Shan*]]
[[*Poh Li*]]

[[*ReBeCca 411*]]

[[*Shi En*]]
[[*Shi Min*]]
[[*Shi Ning*]]
[[*SiEw Li*]]
[[*Si Jia*]]
[[*Sze YiNg GeNiE*]]


[[*Vivien CCS*]]

[[*Wan LinG*]]
[[*WeE LoOn*]]

[[*Xin Ling*]]
[[*Xuan Hui*]]

[[*Yan LinG*]]
[[*Yee Chuan*]]
[[*Yee Han*]]
[[*Yi NinG*]]
[[*Yi Qin*]]

[[*Zhi LiaNg*]]
[[*Zi Qi*]]

[[*MJC LeiSurE & LeaRniNg Por+aL*]]
[[*MJC IVLE*]]
[[*07s17 TPJC PAE*]]
[[*JYSS 3e3'05/4e3'06*]]

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Designer | rebelyon-anghel
Brushes | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lyrics|BaiDu
MusiC pLaYLis+ |Imeem
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