Friday, September 26, 2008

Jun Jin

For some unknown and/or known reasons, the least close friend in the clique with me- jun jin, became pretty close with me recently. Or rather we became pretty close altogether. I guess it's not easy to find another one who's as cheerful as her in my entire life! LOL

We spoke and discussed many matters, people, issues so on and so forth lately. It's just became easy and comfortable to speak to her about almost everything in the whole wide world! HAHA

Anyway, we took the train back to tampines after make-up lesson and consultation today... Some of her words and thoughts just provide me with some force... If you're a physics student, it's called a driving force. Some force I thought was especially needed at this point of time where the 'drag force' seems to slow me down alot.

I've never sink into such deep thoughts about anything for a long long... time.

Right, before I end off, I will wana thank her. Regardless whether she'll read this or not, a special thank you to this special friend is necessary.

Even today's considered a very unlucky day for me, just one tap on the shoulder, or some encouragements will flip my day over to a fortunate one. How wonderful!

If I can change my birthday wish, I hope everyone, especially my loved ones, gets what they desire in the A's. =)

All e Best, peeps! ;)

8:45 PM
watching sunsets together.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Burfdae =)

many thanks to rebecca(411), dianna, shye fern, bindy, li hin, zee, marcus, rebecca (cum-to-sku-buddy), siew li, gek hui, jing wei, seok xian, jasmine(411), eunice, si jia, daryl, jun jin, lydia, grace(411), juliana, keith, shi min, bernard and june!

and dad and mum whom gave me a hongbao tt morning and made me egg mian xian tt evening! =D

to be continued... ...
hohoho... :P

1:56 PM
watching sunsets together.

╔aBou+ mEe╝

[[*Namee: JiAweN*]]
[[*Genderr: GurL*]]
[[* Agee: 21*]]


[[*Ha+e: ginGer,sCaLLioN,FiRe-Ly.hoT.weaTheRs,shallow-ers,backstabbers,selfish.ppL,

♥WiShiNg Wё└∟♥

[[*.a.HouSe.wif.danCE.stuDio.&.worKouT.faciLitieS.*]] [[*.EaR.PieRciNgs.*]]


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[[*Mr JaE*]]

{`beZ fwEndz alwaYz`}
[[*Li Hin*]]
[[*Shye FeRn*]]

{`StaRs and DJs`}
[[*iriS 艾莉丝*]]
[[*LinDa 廖佩伶*]]
[[*ELva 萧亚轩*]]
[[*F.I.R 飞儿乐团*]]

[[*MayDaY 五月天*]]
[[*MikeHo 贺军翔*]]
[[*RaiNie YaNg 杨丞琳*]]
[[*sHow LUo 罗志祥*]]
[[*JoLin TsAi 蔡依林*]]

[[*YvoNneLiN 林湘萍*]]
[[*JoaNnE PeH 白薇秀*]]
[[*FannWonG 范文芳*]]
[[*ShaRon Aw 欧菁仙*]]

[[*933 Mary 巫许玛莉*]]
[[*Li Yi 陈丽仪*]]
[[*933DJ Peifen 林佩芬*]]
[[*933DJ(pt) Junli*]]
[[*933DJ cHoNgQinG 周崇庆*]]
[[*933DJ JiA hUi 萧嘉惠*]]
[[*933DJ Cruz 丁志勇*]]
[[*933DJ(pt) Kitty*]]
[[*98.7DJ Jamie Yeo*]]

[[*aik kUn*]]

[[*ChEn ChUaN*]]


[[*euGene CCS*]]


[[*GraCe e3*]]
[[*Gek hUi*]]

[[*HuI mIn*]]
[[*HweE InG*]]
[[*Hwee Jun*]]

[[*JasMine e3*]]
[[*JaSmiNe 411*]]
[[*JaSon CCS*]]
[[*Jia Yi*]]
[[*Jing Xin*]]

[[*Li PinG*]]

[[*MiNg Yue*]]

[[*Ngin Ying(Cindy)*]]
[[*Ning En*]]

[[*Pei Shan*]]
[[*Poh Li*]]

[[*ReBeCca 411*]]

[[*Shi En*]]
[[*Shi Min*]]
[[*Shi Ning*]]
[[*SiEw Li*]]
[[*Si Jia*]]
[[*Sze YiNg GeNiE*]]


[[*Vivien CCS*]]

[[*Wan LinG*]]
[[*WeE LoOn*]]

[[*Xin Ling*]]
[[*Xuan Hui*]]

[[*Yan LinG*]]
[[*Yee Chuan*]]
[[*Yee Han*]]
[[*Yi NinG*]]
[[*Yi Qin*]]

[[*Zhi LiaNg*]]
[[*Zi Qi*]]

[[*MJC LeiSurE & LeaRniNg Por+aL*]]
[[*MJC IVLE*]]
[[*07s17 TPJC PAE*]]
[[*JYSS 3e3'05/4e3'06*]]

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